14 Things to Do After a House Fire: Your Complete Checklist

Brittany Haslem • Sep 06, 2023

Experiencing a house fire is devastating, leaving homeowners feeling lost — the last thing on their minds is what to do after a house fire. The aftermath is a whirlwind of emotions, decisions, and actions. This blog aims to provide you with a comprehensive checklist of things to do after a house fire, from immediate steps to long-term house restoration. 

A house fire is a life-altering event that can turn your world upside down in minutes. The emotional toll is immense, and the physical damage to your home can be catastrophic. Once the fire is out and the immediate danger has passed, what comes next?

This guide will walk you through the essential things to do after a house fire, focusing on immediate actions and long-term house fire repair and restoration.

Let's answer what to do after a house fire.

Immediate Steps After a House Fire

1. Ensure Safety

The first and foremost thing to do after a house fire is to ensure everyone's safety. Call 9-1-1 if you still need to, and account for all family members and pets. Keep a safe distance from the house and the fire. Seek immediate medical attention for any injuries. 

2. Do Not Re-Enter the Home

Wait for the all-clear from fire officials before re-entering your home. The structure may be unstable, with potential hidden fire or toxic fumes.

3. Contact Loved Ones

Inform your friends and family that you are safe. This step is crucial for your emotional well-being and theirs. Letting your loved ones know also provides additional emotional, mental, and physical support when needed. 

4. Find Temporary Shelter

Your home may not be habitable immediately after a fire. Seek temporary housing through friends, family, or local disaster relief agencies like the Red Cross.

House Fire Repair with Pro-Care Restoration

House Fire Repair and Cleanup

5. Contact Your Insurance Company

One of the most critical things to do after a house fire is to contact your insurance company. Discuss your coverage and the claims process, which will be vital for your house fire repair and restoration.

6. Document the Damage

Before you start any cleanup or house restoration, document the damage. Take photos and videos of all affected areas and items. This documentation is crucial for insurance claims.

7. Secure the Property

Secure your property by boarding up windows and doors to prevent further damage or theft. Your insurance company might assist with this.

8. Retrieve Essential Items

Once it's safe, collect important documents, medications, and other essential items you'll need in the short term.

Long-Term House Restoration Steps

9. Assess Structural Damage

Have professionals evaluate the structural integrity of your home. This assessment will determine whether your home is salvageable and the repairs needed.

10. Plan Repairs or Rebuilding

Work with contractors and your insurance company to plan the rebuilding process. This step is crucial for long-term house restoration and removing strong, residual odors and soot cleanup

11. Replace Lost Items

As your budget and insurance claims allow, begin replacing furniture, clothing, and other lost items.

12. Emotional Recovery

The emotional toll of experiencing a house fire is often underestimated. While the focus is usually on the physical damage and the recovery logistics, the psychological impact may be equally devastating. 

The American Psychological Association (APA) recommends practicing stress-reduction techniques such as regular exercises, meditation, and deep breathing. This allows you to feel the full range of emotions. It’s also encouraged to seek professional help like counseling. 

Counseling provides a safe space for you or anyone in your family who needs it to process the traumatic experiences, and develop the coping mechanisms to deal with the situation. The emotional support helps to build resilience and provides strategies for dealing with anxiety, stress, and other psychological symptoms that may arise from the trauma. 

13. Review Safety Measures

As you fix or move into a new home, review the safety measures in place in your home. Install new smoke alarms and fire extinguishers and create a new fire escape plan.

14. Legal and Financial Matters

Consult a lawyer to understand any legal obligations or rights you may have. Keep all receipts and document all expenses related to the fire for insurance and tax purposes.

DIY vs. Professional House Restoration

When it comes to house fire repair and restoration, you have two primary options: tackling the job yourself or hiring professionals. Each approach has advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice for you will depend on multiple factors, such as the extent of the damage, your level of expertise, and your insurance coverage. 
Let's delve deeper into the pros and cons of each option.

DIY House Restoration


  • Cost-Effective: One of the most significant advantages of DIY house restoration is the potential for cost savings. Professional services might be out of your budget. Doing the work yourself can save you considerable money, especially if the damage is minimal.
  • Personal Involvement: When you handle the restoration yourself, you have complete control over every aspect of the process. Prioritize what matters most to you, whether that's salvaging family heirlooms or repairing a specific part of your home first.
  • Immediate Action: Start the cleanup and repair process as soon as it's safe. You don't have to wait for a professional team to become available, which can be particularly beneficial if local services are overwhelmed due to widespread fire damage.
    Emotional Healing: For some people, being actively involved in putting their home back together offers emotional healing. The act of cleaning and repairing can serve as a form of therapy, providing a sense of control in a chaotic situation.


  • Time-Consuming: DIY restoration is often a long, labor-intensive process. It might take weeks or even months to complete, which may interfere with your work, family responsibilities, and other aspects of your life.
  • Inadequate Tools and Supplies: Professional restoration services have access to specialized equipment and cleaning agents that you might not have. This lack may result in a less effective cleanup and potentially cause long-term damage to your home.
  • Health Risks: The aftermath of a fire can be hazardous. Soot, ash, and water damage lead to mold growth and other health risks if not taken care of quickly. Without proper training and equipment, you could expose yourself and your family to these hazards.
  • Inexperience: Unless you have professional training, you're likely to encounter challenges and make mistakes. These errors may be costly in the long run in terms of time and additional repair expenses.
  • Insurance Complications: Some insurance policies require that certified professionals carry out restoration work for your claim to be valid. DIY efforts may not be covered, leaving you financially vulnerable.

Using a Professional Restoration Company


  • Expertise: Professional restoration companies have the experience, training, and certification to handle fire damage effectively. They know the best techniques for cleaning soot, removing smoke odor, and preventing mold growth.
  • Efficiency: With a team of experts and specialized equipment, professional companies complete the restoration work much faster than you could.
  • Health and Safety: Trained professionals know how to handle hazardous conditions safely. They have the necessary protective gear and equipment to minimize risks, ensuring that your home is clean and safe.
  • Insurance Approval: Many insurance companies require or strongly recommend using a professional restoration service for claims related to fire damage. Hiring professionals generally simplifies the claims process and even speeds up your payout.
  • Comprehensive Service: Many professional restoration companies offer a complete package that includes cleaning, repairs, and renovations. This one-stop-shop approach can make the entire process much more manageable.


  • Cost: The expertise and comprehensive services offered by professional restoration companies come at a price. The cost can be particularly steep if the fire damage is extensive, requiring specialized treatments or extensive renovations.
  • Availability: Professional restoration services may be in high demand in areas where house fires are prevalent. You might be on a waiting list, delaying the start of your cleanup and restoration process.
  • Less Personal Control: When you hire professionals, you cede some control over the restoration process. While this isn't necessarily bad, some homeowners find it frustrating not to be involved in every decision.
  • Potential for Scams: Unfortunately, the aftermath of a disaster can attract unscrupulous individuals looking to take advantage of desperate homeowners. Always do your due diligence when selecting a professional restoration service to avoid scams.
House Fire Repair with Pro-Care Restoration

The choice between DIY and professional house restoration is complex and influenced by various factors. A DIY approach might be suitable if the damage is minimal and you have the skills and time to tackle the job yourself. However, for more severe damage or if you have health and safety concerns, the expertise of a professional restoration company is invaluable.


By understanding the pros and cons of each option, you can make an informed decision that best suits your situation and needs.

House Fire Repair with Pro-Care Restoration

A house fire is devastating, but knowing the essential things to do after a house fire can help you navigate this challenging period. From immediate safety measures to long-term house fire repair and restoration, this checklist aims to guide you through every step of the process. Knowing what to do after a house fire will help the process move more smoothly. 

Remember, each situation is unique, so adapt this guide to your needs. And while the road to recovery may be long and fraught with challenges, taking these steps can help you rebuild your home and your life.

Get a head start on getting your home back with Pro-Care Restoration. With a specialized team and training to not only restore your home but also remove all traces of soot, ash, and mold, Pro-Care Restoration will give you confidence in the future.

If you’ve recently experienced a house fire or need help with any other aspect of home restoration, call Pro-Care Restoration at 336-203-7317, or fill out the form on our website. 

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